My Father and Heartaches
Recently, I saw a video online where the speaker talked about how many people perceive God. He said that the way a person perceives his earthly father greatly impacts the way he perceives God. If his earthly father was caring and compassionate, that's how he sees his Heavenly Father. On the other hand, if his earthly father was very un-nuturing, then that's how he perceives God. I've been mightily blessed with my earthly father and the father of my child. My daddy is the best. I couldn't have dreamed up a better father. I have a father who instilled in me that there was or will be anything that will make him not love me, he may not always agree with everything I do but he will always love me. It was really easy for me to understand the Savior's love because of the example of my earthly father. What I've recently struggled the most with is not that God loves me no matter what, it's that this loving Father has allowed some terrible heartaches in my life over...