Showing My Faults

Raising a child is not for the faint of heart, it’s heartbreaking and the most precious blessing at the same time. We waited for what seemed like an eternity for our sweet, precious boy and ten years later I still shed tears every time I think about the Lord choosing me to be his mama. I am not the perfect mama by any means but I am the perfect mama for my sweet boy. I fail at times and don’t spend enough time with him and snap at him and fuss when he’s made a mess and the list goes on....BUT he always forgives me when I say I’m sorry. The “I’m sorry” is the important part. I don’t think any child expects’s me that expects perfection. When Ben was a toddler I had all these expectations for myself because of the things I saw other moms post on social media. What I’ve realized is that we can make everything seem so perfect on social media and that’s not real life! Real life is your ten year old opening the silverware drawer behind you while you are putting things away in the pantry, turning around running into it (FYI: that’s hurts), and then snapping at him for doing that. Never mind the fact that he is trying to get you a spoon for your breakfast. Talk about a major mama fail. This verse has really been on my heart lately...

Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged. Colossians 3:21

This verse doesn’t say to be perfect and do everything right. I am going to fail. It’s inevitable that I am going to do something that upsets my child. . The important thing is the apology and making it right. If I never apologize what kind of feelings will my child have toward me? Those feelings of disappointment, anger, and sadness will eventually turn into resentment. I don’t know about other children but my precious boy feels everything so deeply that it would only take a short time for him to start resenting me. The one thing I know is that is not what the Lord entrusted me to do with my child. He expects me to show my boy the same grace and mercy he shows me. So as for me, I apologized for snapping at him when he was trying to help and it’s not the first or last time he will hear an apology from me! I more than willing to show him all my faults and tell him what the Lord expects me to do with them because I’ve dedicated myself to raising a child that will stand for the Lord!


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