The most difficult thing in life is waiting.

One of my favorite memories as a teacher is of the second and third grade combination class I taught several years ago. One of the main topics in Bible was learning about the Israelites leaving Egypt and  making their way to the promised land. My precious students would get so upset and disappointed when we would read about their discontent and complaining that inevitably lead to disobedience. Many of those precious children just could not understand why those Israelites were so stubborn. “The Lord gave them manna from Heaven and I bet it tasted good, why would they complain about that?

Well.....why do we complain about what the Lord has blessed us with?

Right now my family is waiting, waiting on the Lord to open up doors for us. I catch myself complaining at times, asking the Lord when...when are you going to open the door you’ve promised. It’s been a very disappointing ride at times and I’m quick to want to complain because I want it NOW! This has made me think back to all those lessons about the Israelites....all they did was complain and that, I believe, lead to their disobedience. If only they had trusted and waited on the Lord. One day I’ll probably look back and say the same thing about myself.

So for now....

“The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;”
Lamentations‬ ‭3:25


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