Who are You?
Have you ever pretended to someone you’re not? Maybe to make someone like you or fit in with the crowd? I know I’ve spent a good portion of my life trying to be who everyone else thought I should be. I admit it, I’m a people pleaser….as much as I hate it. I sometimes long for the “I don’t care” attitude. I’ve always imagined it would be so much easier to not worry about the things I worry about. “Did I say something to hurt someone’s feelings today? Did I make someone feel unwelcomed? Did I say or do something that will leave a detrimental impression on my son or one of my students?” Of course, those of us who do worry about things are a bullseye for Satan. He wants to tear us down and will stop at nothing to do so. He takes those worries and grows them to epic proportions that can take over our minds. I know, I’ve been there…I’ve been to some dark places in the recent past and I don’t really like where I landed. You see, I have allowed people to determine who I am. People who sh...